The 'cross eyed' method for viewing 3D images with the naked eye:
1) Look straight ahead with the two images at a comfortable distance.
2) Keep your head level and the images centred.
3) Cross your eyes, so that the twin images become doubled.
4) i. Relax your eyes and allow the images to drift back together until they align to form a single central image and 2 outer images. ii. As you do so, you may need to gently tilt the head from side to side to make sure the images align level. iii. It can help to focus on a single detail on the image.
6) When the central image is seen in 3D you can then 'look around' the 3D image.
Using this method, the left eye's image is in on the right and the right eye's image is on the left. It is important that the eyes are relaxed, so that your 2 eyes are converging on a different plane to that which they individually focus on. The eyes are being used in a similar way to when viewing 'Magic Eye' images, so if you can view these successfully, seeing steroscopic images will be easier. The ability improves with practice.
For an overview of works in sterescopic 3D please see: Selected stereo (3D) projects