Sean Dower: Artworks and information

Spectral Analysis (sound emitting photographs) 2012

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spectral analysis
spectral analysis spectral analysis spectral analysis
Spectral Analyisis 2012 - Electrostatic speakers, UV curable ink, soundtrack, hanging mechanisms and foam.
Overall dimensions: 1220mm x 1220mm (each speaker : 550 x 550 x 3 mm

A colour photograph taken by the artist of Samye monastery (the oldest Buddhist monastery in Tibet) was subject to spectral analysis.
Firstly, the image was broken down into the constituent colour separations used in CMYK printing. The four CMYK images were
then each printed onto 3mm thick electrostatic speakers. The colour photograph was also scanned vertically and horizontally using
spectral analysis software to convert its colours and tones into sound. Electrostatic speakers emit sound equally from their entire
surface and 'phase cancel' at their edges. They are extremely directional and project sound in a detailed and uncanny way. In the
exhibition The Voyeur, the sound was directed at the enochian sound reflecting panels accross the room and the ghostly sound
emanating from the speaker surface formed part of an overall soundtrack to the exhinbition.

See other works exhibited in The Voyeur
