Sean Dower: Artworks and information

Latest News. . .

November 2024

3 Frame Subliminal exhibited in 'Highspeed' during Vienna Art Week

Sean Sells Subliminals 1997



15.11.2024, 18:30-18:45 Uhr *

k48 - Offensive für zeitgenössische Wahrnehmung
Kirchengasse 48 / Lokal 2, 1070 Wien

Artists: Sean Dower (UK), Jurgis Gecys (LIT), Gerwald Rockenschaub (A)

Kurator: Oliver Hangl (A)

More information: K48

Above: 3 Frame Subliminal was first distributed on VHS tape at the
Factual Nonsense 'Live Stock Market' in Hoxton, London in 1997


May 2024

A BIGGER BOOK FAIR, Peckham Bussey Building, London

A Bigger Book Fair in Peckham 2024


Bigger book Fair, Peckham 2024

Monumental Guns and Thier Targets at A BIGGER BOOK FAIR

February 2024

Automaton is February's featured work on Film and Video Umbrella's website

Automaton film


Automaton motion control rig


Automaton, 2006. HD video with sound. 6 mins - watch film at FVU

More information about Automaton HERE

Above: Automaton, percussionist Steve Noble with motion control rig
November 2023

Artists Against The Bomb: Concurrent exhibitions at Judd Foundation and the United Nations
Headquarters in New York.



Artists Against the Bomb is organized by Estudio Pedro Reyes in collaboration with the Campaign
to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)

The exhibition features newly comissioned work in the media of posters, postcards, billboards,
banners, flags and t-shirts
and is accompanied by a 336-pp. book featuring all participating works.

More information:
Artists Against The Bomb
Judd Foundation


May 2023

OFFPRINT - Tate Modern, London

The artist signs a book at Offprint, Tate Modern 2023


Right - book signing at OFFPRINT LONDON / Tate Modern, May 2023

Link to dedicated page with more information and photos: HERE

Reviews of Monumental Guns and Their Targets:
London Review of Books - Francis Gooding
Collector Daily - Blake Andrews


February 2023

Artists Against The Bomb - billboard poster project at SITE Santa Fe

Artists against the bomb


Santa Fe


Above right: When The Saints Go Marching in by Sean Dower

More information about project
Artists Against The Bomb

January 2023

Monumental Guns and Their Targets
- A Field Guide for London by Sean Dower

Link to dedicated page with more information and photos:

Monumental guns book

Link to dedicated page with more information and photos: HERE

Book gif


Monumental Guns and Their Targets by Sean Dower
Published by The Everyday Press 2022
ISBN: 9781912458509
160 pages with 124 black and white illustrations, includes an interview by Jon Wood
Supported by Turner Contemporary Margate, Acme Studios and The Elephant Trust

Available at selected bookstores:
Printed Matter New York
and The Everyday Press London
Distributed by Antenne Books.

The cannons and artillery included in this survey are all on public display in Greater
London. The hypothetical strike points of the guns have been calculated using ballistics
information and the complementary pairs of photographs are printed on oposing pages.
The simultaneous firing of all these guns is readable as a performance proposal, but one
that is extremely unlikely to happen. The book contains an introduction, an index of
technical information and an interview with the artist by Jon Wood.
January 2023

Monumental Guns and Their Targets - launch at Turner Contemporary Margate


Pyrotechnic book launch at Turner Contemporary, Margate.


Above: Briefcase with materials for pyrotechnic book launch at Turner Contemporary, Margate


Monumental Guns and Their Targets was commmissioned in conjunction
with Turner Contemporary Margate, who hosted an exhibition of work
by British pyrotechnic artist, Stephen Cripps in 2022-23

December 2022

Pyrotechnic launch of Monumental Guns and Their Targets

book launch explosion




damaged book


The launch of the book was celebrated by firing it into the air using a pyrotechnic mortar.

Link to film of launch
on Vimeo


March 2022


Sonofapup - electronic music projects 1995-2015

Four albums of electronic music remastered between October 2021 and March 2022

1st Generation (1995-2000)
sɜrbərəs (2001-2004)
Minotaur (2014)

IOS (2009-2015)

More information about sonofapup




July 2021

< Open Window > Spoleto, Italy

Surprise encounters with sound, emanating from open windows in the town of Spoleto.

open window spoleto




open window map

<open window> 2021 Map of walking route around Spoleto

Sean Dower Percussion (2017-21) 7'52"

Sound emerges from an open first floor window. The public might discover the sound by accident
or by following a map available from local shops and kiosks. The recording (a cascade of waterdrops
resonating inside a galvanized metal drainpipe) may at first sound like repetitive noise, however a closer
listen reveals complex underlying structure and resonances.
Photos by Serafino Amato


Link to video with sound here

July 2021

Can we ever know the meaning of these objects.
Gallery 46 London

Lost Monument


Journal of objects

Journal of Objects: booklet accompanying the exhibition

Sean Dower Lost Monument 2021
Jesmonite and tinted Perspex case. 490 x 450 x 215 mm.


January 2021

Soanyway Magazine #8, feature on Zou Zou's Mime Reconstructed (1985-2005)

Soanyway Magazine edition #8

Issue #8 of Soanyway Magazine focuses on the subject of remaking, retelling and translating through
sculpture, short stories, photography, collage, performance, filmmaking, typography, audio-recording and exhibition making.



Zou Zou Polaroid

The artist as Zou Zou, polaroid photograph 1993

Link to Zou Zou's Mime at

October 2020

Archival update - Pangas de Pescadores (Fishermen's Boats), 2013

The Killer
Click on images for more information photos


La Ingrata


Commissioned work during residency at Hotel El Ganzo, Puerto Los Cabos Mexico *

Hand painted signs derived from fishermen's boat names in the harbour of Puerto Los Cabos,
placed at specific locations around the hotel.

* This work was largely destroyed by Hurricane Odile in 2014

La Ingrata 2013. Hotel El Ganzo, Puerto Los Cabos

29 February - 18 April 2020 * extended to 10 July 2020

BLOW-UP I: Experiments in Photography
Laure Genillard gallery - 2 Hanway Place, London W1T 1HB

Both sides of the story
  Sean Dower - Both Sides of the Story #3 - 1993/2020.
  Gelatin silver print from newsprint negative - 140 x 102 cm

Link to details about photographic series 'Both Sides of the Story'


Blow Up 1

Artists: Lola Bunting, Richard Caldicott, Alessandro Cicoria, Chris Cornish, Sean Dower,
Chantal Faust, Felicity Hammond, Lucy Heyward, James Hoff, JocJonJosch, Alix Marie,
Elizabeth McAlpine, Brian O’Connell, Cornelia Parker, Grace Weir.

Read press release here


28 September - 23 November 2019

PLUNK, BOUM, KRASH, ZZZT - Solo exhibition at Laure Genillard, London UK

Laser and standing stone - 2019
Laser, speaker, mirror, photograph and sound - dimensions variable

More information and photos from exhibition here


Click on images for more information and photos

Vibrating Rod
Vibrating Rod - 2017
Suspended steel rod, transducer and sound - dimensions variable


January-March 2019

Zapp Magazine Archive: exhibition at Kunstverein, Amsterdam

+ ZAPP MAGAZINE CLUB NIGHT - 20th February 2019 at Cintetol, Amsterdam
with Kathe Burkhart, Sean Dower, Karl Holmqvist, Annika Ström stand-in and Cosy Camping.

Zapp Magazine was founded in The Netherlands in 1993 by Corinne Groot, Jack Jaeger,
Arnold Mosselman and Rob van de Ven. Initially a quarterly magazine on VHS videotape,
Zapp allowed you to see international exhibitions, performances, artist interviews and videos
from the comfort of your own couch.

Link to
Zapp Magazine Club Night documentation
Link to Zapp Magazine

Image to right: Sean Dower performance at Cinetol, Amsterdam for Zapp Magazine Club Night




March 2019

Sean Dower Henry Moore Institute Fellow for 2019
During his Fellowship at the Henry Moore Institute Dower studied the archive of sculptors’ papers
relating to Stephen Cripps (1952–1982), an artist known for his ground-breaking work with kinetic
sculpture, sound, pyrotechnics and performance.

More information: please follow link to
2019 archive of fellows




November 2018

The Brooklyn Rail magazine - November 2018 edition

Invitation by guest critic Jo Melvin (click here for link to online article)

Brooklyn Rail











October 2018

Stream Street. Pop-up screening by Institut Aplauz, Belgrade, Serbia

Institut Aplauz

Curated by Dušan Savić, featuring videos by Pavla Banovića, Marka Tirnanića and Sean Dower




July 2018

Art Night London Exhibition at Bargehouse, Southbank, London, UK

Art Night 2018

Art Night London 2018 at the Bargehouse (with Gallery 46)


Spirit Level

SEAN DOWER - Spirit Level, 1993. 11.42 mins.

(Hi-8 video transferred to DVD)

View excerpts of video here


June 2018

Find Your World in Ours - Supersonic Festival and Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK


Find Your World in Ours, curated by Mark Titchner
20 June - 9 September 2018, IKON Gallery, Birmingham, UK
22-24 June 2018, Supersonic Festival, Birmingham, UK


Shelter, 1996. Video digitally remastered for HD video



January 2018

SEAN DOWER publication, with an essay by Jo Melvin


Published by Dom Omladine Beograda / Legat Franklin (2017)
Softcover with embossed relief. 184 pages (26 x 21 x 1.5cm)
Edition: 300
ISBN: 978-86-7698-027-7

More information and slideshow




Published by Frankiln Foundation / Dom Omladine Belgrade

information and slideshow


November 2017

Breturn: A short festival of theatre, music, art and anarchy...

Kabinet Müz, Brno, Czech Republic 16th and 17th November 2017

Performance of '33 ⅓ rpm' by Sean Dower - Kabinet Müz, Brno, Czech Republic

With s
upport from The British Council



Kabinet Muz

Performance of '33 ⅓ rpm' at Kabinet Müz, Brno, Czech Republic

Featured artists: Sara Bjornsdottir, Rose Butler, David Cotterrell, Sean Dower,
Luke Pendrell, Lewis Sherlock and Sukie Smith.

March 2017

Documentation from 'A conversation along the Highway of Brotherhood and Unity' - 2017


Installation view: 'A conversation along the Highway of Brotherhood and Unity' - 2017

Click on images, or here for and more information and photos



'A conversation along the Highway of Brotherhood and Unity' - 2017


February 2017

'A conversation along the Highway of Brotherhood and Unity'
at Dom Omladine Gallery Belgrade

Poster Belgrade

See page dedicated to the exhibition

Link to Dom Omladine Gallery




November 2016

Video of Shaking Cabinet 2016 (PLAY LOUD!)

Video documentation from AUTONOMY at Gallery 46, London -




November 2016

Performance at Vinyl Deptford for the Linear Obsessional Record Label night.

Vinyl Deptford

Two works being performed: OMS Studio Test
and 33⅓ RPM



October 2016

Key Scratch Etching 2016. Screen print, 297 x 420 mm (limited edition of 50)

key scratch

Above: signing of limited edition screen print at Gallery 46


Key scartch etching

The original 'etching' was printed directly from a key scratch on a car door in 2009


October 2016

AUTONOMY - Exhibition at Gallery 46, London

More information at:





April 2016

The Music in Trees - ResonanceExtra, Gravity Waves radio show * plays @ 28:20 minutes in

The Music in Trees at 28:20 in this 2 hour radio show, broadcast on 23rd April 2016




The Music in Trees 2001 (4 mins)

The Music in Trees is an audio work made in 2001 from loose cassette tape found abandoned
on the streets (and in the trees) of East London. The discarded tape was spliced back into a
cassette housing randomly and the resulting 'damaged' soundtrack highlights the music of the
time and the spcificity of the technology used to play it.


December 2015

Taxi Argument by Sean Dower: track 71 on Open The Window



Linear Obsessional's third annual "open access" release is built around a simple premise:
Open your window and record two minutes of what you can hear, interacting with it live,
or editing and processing the recordings later. From this concept has emerged this 85 track,
2 hour 50 minute compilation of extraordinary recordings from all over the world.
Released December 24, 2015

Compiled and Edited by Richard Sanderson for Linear Obsessional recordings.

Download includes a 62 page PDF booklet of contributor notes, photographs and an essay.


October 2015

BMW 325i video - screened 24 hrs a day at The Greatest Show on Earth

Greatest Show

The Greatest Show on Earth in Shoreditch, London. Frieze week - October 2015
Curated by Sean Mclusky and 1-2-3-4 Records, with Kieran Leonard.
See page on BMW 325i >




July 2015

De La Warr Pavilion and Project 78 Gallery present: Dear Serge Offsite@Project 78

Test Card (intermission#2)

Test Card (intermission #2) 2015

29 x 21cm mounted photograph with cut-out windows, scientific clamp, optional music.

Click here for more information about work


Test Card intermission

Screen grabs of camera live-feed for Dear Serge Offsite@project 78

25.07.15. Project 78 Gallery, Norman Road, St Leonards-on-Sea.

Featuring: Prinzhorn Dance School / Sean Dower / Joe Snape / Noteherder
and McCloud / Cliff Stevenson / Christina Yeo Clarey / Simon Barker and
Nayan Kulkarni / DJ Cheesemaster / Bartosz Dylewski.

Streamed live to Kino Teatr, St Leonards / /


July 2015

Landfall 2013 - Video exhibited at POOL - Cafe Gallery London


Above: still from Landfall - 2013. 13 mins. Projection with soundtrack by Sonofapup

Landfall was shot at night in the harbour of Peurto Los Cabos, Mexico. The lights used to guide
ships to harbour flash hypnotically and asynchonously. The film features an unsettling sound
composition by the artist.

Link to watch video of Landfall (play loud).


Puerto Los Cabos

Puerto Los Cabos harbour during the day


Jan - March 2015

ON AIR - Exhibition and residency at Beaconsfield Gallery London.

on air

The residency resulted in 2 installations open to the public and a set of unique audio recordings.

Link to sound recordings, images and more information:



ON AIR - whiteboard drawing 2015


December 2014

Short edit of performance: 'Break it Down - A Performance' (2006) - now online

Video excerpts of a live performance with percussion and visual effects - 7 min.
A collaboration between Sean Dower and Richard Wilson
See here for more information and images


Break it down

Break it Down - Timothy Taylor Gallery, London. 2006


November 2014

Sean Dower 'Live from the Studio' - broadcast to The Centre for Remote Possibilities, Matt's Gallery London on 20.11.14


futuro futuro futuro

Live 2 hour transmission of video and sound from the artist's studio in Deptford to a Futuro house situated on the roof of Matt's Gallery in Bow, East London.
The artist played emulated modular synths, mixed with live percussion and Electronic and Musique Concret records from the 60's and 70's.
The project was facilitated by artist Craig Barnes, whose renovated Futuro house was included in the exhibition 'Revolver II'.

October 2014

'/seconds' exhibition at Sharjah Art Foundation 11.10.14 – 10.12.14

Both Sides of the Story #1 Both Sides of the Story #2 Both Sides of the Story #3
Above: Both Sides of the Story #1-3 (
photograms from news clippings) 1993 - 140 x 110 cm each

click on images for more information

August 2014


Noise transmissions permeated with subterranean foreboding.
3 tracks recorded in an arid landscape on the edge of the Libyan Sea.

'Minotaur' is the third release by Sonofapup, following on from 'sɜrbərəs' (2001-2003)
and '1st Geneeration (1995-2000).

For more information, contact:


March 2014

'Live Noise Transmission'. Monomania Festival. Aid & Abet - Cambridge, UK

Video excerpts of performance 7.30 min - see here for more information and images


Noise Transmission

Live Noise Transmission (sound system installation) - 2014


December 2013

The World in a Box, A Bittersweet Salon. Margate, UK


Unboxing (cast of the interior of iphone box) presented on a table



Unboxing 2013 - detail


November 2013

Video documentation of The Voyeur (2012) - 5 min with sound

The Voyeur was exhibited at De La Warr Pavilion (Bexhill on Sea, UK) in 2012

See page dedicated to The Voyeur here



The video is a walk around the exhibition The Voyeur, which combined sculpture,
photography and seemingly familiar objects with the technology of sound.

The audience had to move around the space to experience both the sculpture and
soundtrack. Much of the work drew parallels between modernity (and modern
technology) and more ancient philosophies.

The works included: photographs emitting sound from their surface, sound
diffusing sculptural reliefs, vibrating cabinets, a satellite dish projecting a beam
of sound, a floor drum resonating with noises, a long plastic curtain with white
noise cascading down it and a muffled voice, emanating from a tiny speaker
inside a glass, which was attached to a wall

During the exhibition, the artist performed on top of the 4.5m tall St Simeon's Drum
Riser (made of stacked pallets), whilst CCTV relayed a bird's eye view of the
performances down to ground level.


November 2013

WHOOSH - Screenprints on aluminium for the lift at El Ganzo hotel Mexico.

Video documentation (43 seconds - silent)


WHOOSH - Onomatopoeic sound work for lift shaft - 2013
Fluorescent green screen prints on aluminium 1100 x 1100mm (5 panels)

One of several works commissioned during a residency at Hotel El Ganzo in
Puerto Los Cabos, Baja California Sur - Mexico.


November 2013

Video interview for Mexican magazine Limulus "The paradox of sound" by Santiago Maza

Link to Limulus magazine



Interview based on molecule diagram by film maker Santiago Maza


August 2013

Artist in Residence: Cornelius Foundation. Le Château de Lagemas, France.


Residency - 12th-28th August, performance on 24.08.13.




Details of performance here - video excerpts here


July 2013

Artist in Residence: Hotel El Ganzo, Puerto Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico

El Ganzo

Three works resulted from this residency:

1. WHOOSH - 2013 (onomatopoeic text work for lift shaft). More details here
2. Pangas de Pescadores - 2013 (hand painted signs.) More details here
3. Landfall - 2013/2014 (music composition and film). More details here

El Ganzo link. Feature article in Spanish here: Revista Código


the killer

Panga del pescador 2013


June 2013

Exhibition at shape gallery - 4 June / 4 July 2013


Unboxing 2013
Acrylic resin, pigment and silk cloth
130x10x75 mm

Shape gallery:



May 2013


Click here for more information about BMW 325i



DISCONNECTED (The left hand doesn’t know…)

Curated by Matt Calderwood and designed to be staged within his exhibition
Paper Over the Cracks at BALTIC 39, this event brings together a collection of film,
video and sound works by artists including Calderwood, Declan Clarke,
Sean Dower, Matt Crawley, Melanie Manchot, Tim Knowles and Paul
McDevitt. The works explored collapsing systems, relationships, devices and
machines, and broken communications.

Videos exhibited by Sean Dower (click on titles for links):

BMW325i (1994)
Interview with Bruce Mclean (1994)
Curfew Recordings (video reflection) 1984 & 2004


March 2013

The Curfew Recordings. CD release 2013

curfew cd

New digital realease of The Curfew Recordings (1984)


The Curfew Recordings 2013

The Curfew Recordings were made at a disused industrial site on the river Tyne in
1984. The on-site, improvised performances featured John Smith (then publisher of
Interchange magazine), Sean Dower (ex Death Magazine 52 & later of Bow Gamelan
Ensemble) and John Mylotte (of the band Metgumnebone).

The recordings were made inside a cylindrical, steel-plated silo (approximately 10m
tall and 26m in diameter). The structure was originally used for bitumen storage and
still had soft tar underfoot at the time of the recordings. The instrumentation is
acoustic and the tracks have not been processed, the reverb is entirely due to the
structure in which the performances were made. The performers worked by
candlelight (there was no electricity on site) and the material was captured using a
battery operated, portable cassette deck.

Instrumentation included: bull roarers, spirit whistles, human thy-bone trumpet,
chimes, pipes, gongs, flutes, drums, projectiles, scraped and bowed objects and other
materials (glass, metal, bones and wood).

This is the first digital transfer of the original tapes to become available.

CD on Harbinger Sound (Harbinger 110)


December 2012

Bag of Blood:
sound recording of '20 pieces of Silver' now online
Performance took place at Ikon East, Birmingham UK. 2007



October 2012





29th September - 26th October 2012
Thurs-Sun 12-6pm

Curated by Reece Jones

336 Brixton Road, SW9 7AA


30.06.12 - 16.09.12

The Voyeur - Solo exhibition at De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea.


See also - page dedicated to The Voyeur



The Voyeur: Sat 30th June 2012 - Sun 16th September 2012

De La Warr Pavilion. Marina, Bexhill, East Sussex. UK. TN40 1DP

For The Voyeur, Dower constructed a space where objects, images and live
performance interacted in the production and modification of sound.

Drawing inspiration from thinkers who radically question our understanding of
the physical world, such as Elizabethan alchemist and mathematician, John
Dee, French novelist Alan Robbe Grillet and the 5th Century mystic, Saint
Simeon of Stylites, the artist reconfigures the gallery space into a complex sound
system. Links between modernism, Dada and more ancient systems of thought
are explored, as is the perception of space through sound.

During the exhibition, Dower made 3 unique performances on top of the
towering St Simeon's drum riser, relayed back down to ground level via CCTV.

Click here to read an excerpt from an interview with Sean Dower by curator
Jane Won.



Live performance on St Simeon's drum riser

cctv recording of performance #3 on 01.09.12 (full performance 11 mins)

Installation images and information about The Voyeur


St Simeon tower St_Simeon2

3 x performances during The Voyeur exhibition:
#1 = 30.06.12 - #2 = 14.07.12 - #3 = 01.09.12



17.07.12 - Gallery Vela (festivela)

Videos 1988-1993 and performance of the Ultimate Brown Sound

spirit level Palm
Above left: Monitor 1 - Spirit Level (1993), Above right: Monitor 2 - Palm Reader (1993)

Monitor 2: Palm Reader (1993), Flowers (1993) and Bluebell Wood (1988)

More information about these videos can be found here


Brown Sound

Rear gallery: Performance of the Ultimate Brown Sound.


July 2012

PHOTOGRAPHIC EDITION available from de la warr pavilion


Catholic School for the Deaf. Porto 2011

Image is from the series 'Bathrooms of the World'



June 2012

Release of double vinyl disc of Death Magazine 52 on Harbinger Sound


1980's Black Country based 'underground/noise/Industrial' group Death Magazine 52



Sleeve Notes:

"Between 1982 and 1984 Death Magazine 52 played around 20 shows mostly within the
Black Country region of the U.K. Sometimes they played under the name Spontaneous
Human Combustion, which was the moniker they originally started out with. These
recordings capture the core group and its floating membership at various stages of their
existence. Recordings from the studio sessions and live sets, including playing to a
school hall full of teenage girls at 3pm one afternoon, and as the final band to play at the
legendary Equinox Event before the plugs got pulled and the police arrived. The
recordings are of a raw nature and should be considered as historical documentation."

The full DM52 story will appear in the magazine As Loud As Possible #2.

Review at: Heathen Harvest
Available at Second Layer and Volcanic Tongue


May 2012
Witness appeal watercolours exhibited at Solent Showcase, Southampton
17 May – 30 June 2012

witness appeal

Click on above photo for more information about work and more images



November 2011...

New photographs added to the series
'Bathrooms of the World'


His. Porto 2011

Click images for more from the series: Bathrooms of the World



Hers. Porto 2011


04.11.11 - Bag of Blood... LIVE at Tate Britain

Richard Strange's Cabaret Apocalyptica Late at Tate Britain Millbank, London SW1P 4RG

Click for more



10.09.11 - 30.12.11: Change the World or go Home

Exhibition at the Downstairs Gallery at Great Brampton House, Herefordshire

Exhibiting a series of watercolours based on Metropolitan Police witness appeal signs...

Change the world
click to enlarge


September 2011... Now online - London Audio Culture Survey (1997)

Ten photographs and digital audio recordings made at specific sites across London in 1997.
The recordings reflect localised sound culture and how this interacts with architecture,
technology and the natural world.

LondonAudioCultureSurvey LondonAudioSurvey Whitechapel
click for more information


14.04.11 - 21.05.11

Solo exhibition at SOUTHARD REID - London.

Book Pyre 2011 - click image for more information

see also:
Time Out review



September 2010

(снага и светлост) 1990
Black and white Super 8 film, transferred to video 2010 - 4 mins

Power and Light is a top to bottom, interior study of a derelict power station in Belgrade,
which was the site for live performance. Film and soundtrack by Sean Dower.
Exhibited in: TAPS - Improvisations with Paul Burwell - presented by Matt's Gallery.




02.06.10 - 20.11.10: KEEP ME POSTED
Group exhibition at POSTED - 67 Wilton Way, London E8 1BG
Thursday to Sunday, 11am – 5pm
Also by appointment: +44 (0)20 7923 2258


12th June 2010 - Performance - A Blizzard of Noise (Donder op Dender)
Netwerk Centre for Contemporary Art. Aalst, Belgium.
Sean Dower, Steve Noble and Richard Wilson



A Blizzard of Noise - 6 min. (excerpts)

A Blizzard of Noise - performance for Musik für Barbaren und Klassiker

24.04.10 - 12.06.10: Musik für Barbaren und Klassiker
Netwerk Centre for Contemporary Art. Houtkaai, B-9300 Aalst, Belgium. T: +32 53 709 773

Video of all works in Musik für Barbaren und Klassiker - 5 mins


Link to page of all works in Musik für Barbaren und Klassiker

Brown Noise 12" Vinyl disk

Online review at: we make money not art


19.03.10 - 18.04.10: RIFF-RAFF
Group Exhibition curated by David Southard. 5-8 Lower John Street. London. W1F 9AU. UK
Also by appointment: +44 (0)20 7734 5488

19.02.10 - 19.03.10: FILM / VIDEO / PERFORMANCE
Wimbledon Space
Wimbledon College of Art, Merton Hall Road, London. SW19 3QA. UK

12.02.10 - 18.04.10: PARTY!
The New Art Gallery Walsall
Gallery Square, Walsall WS2 8LG. UK


Works on display in the exhibition 'PARTY!'

'Hot Music'

'Drummer shoots bandmates'

'Death Star'

Three works on display at The New Art Gallery, Walsall. UK - 12.02.10 - 18.04.10

Work in progress October 2009

Series of direct etchings from key scratches on cars:

v   v
Key Scratch (Ford) 2009 Key Scratch etching (Ford) 2009 - Etching ink on Arches paper

Series of text paintings from Metropolitan Police witness appeal signs:

Murder    Shooting_photo
Murder 2009 - Water Colour and ink on paper 37x32cm See more watercolour versions

October 2009...

Selected performance videos now viewable at
Other Music films at:

8.06.09 - 16.08.09... Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition - 2 films being exhibited.
Films :
Bluebell wood (1988)
and Automaton (2006)

at the Royal Academy of Arts... Richard Wilson in conversation with Sean Dower and filmaker William Raban

13.03.09: Röck - Galerie Erich Mircher, Paris. With The Horns of Dilemma (Sean Dower + Bernard Elsemere) and Hello my name is Bill.

Click image for more information

death star

Above: Death Star - rotating 'mirrorball'

24.10.08 - 04.01.09: NOTHING MOMENTS
Art and Culture Centre of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street, Hollywood, FL 33020

Illustrations for a short story by Tony White for the book project 'Nothing Moments' 2008

The books were launched at MOCA, Los Angeles in 2008, with exhibitions of the drawings in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Dallas.
Drawing 2 for 'Gobbledegook' (a short story by Tony White) 2008
Ink, spraypaint and inkjet on watercolour paper (28x20cm)



Drawing 1 for 'Gobbledegook' (a story by Tony White) 2008
Ink, spraypaint and inkjet on watercolour paper (28x20cm)

18.10.08 - Ghost Drummer - Live at Brown Noise

Ghost Drummer performance at Brown Noise
Excerpt - 2 min. (Warning: contains strobe lighting)

Ghost drummer

Ghost drummer live at Maurice Einhardt Neu galleries 2008

02.10.08 - 02.11.08 - BROWN NOISE

Brown Noise
Click for more information and images




WED - SUN 12 - 7PM




+44 (0)20 7729 7948

Sean Dower, Nick Waplington and Lohan Emanuel outside Maurice Einhardt Neu Gallery
Shoreditch London 2008